Monday, October 12, 2015

SERVE where you are....

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Over the past few months, I have found myself falling deeper into the trap of trying to direct my own life. We can all fall into this from time to time since it is only human nature to want to control as many degrees of life as possible. The problem happens when we start to try and twist God's will for our lives to suit our own desires...

Purpose can be confusing for many Christians, both new and old. As I share with my small group ladies, we really ALL have the same purpose: we are called to live as Christ lived so we can share His good news with others. Period. Our careers, hobbies and passions enable us to this on a different playing field.

My problem came when I began to think that I would serve my purpose much better by speaking in churches and venues. You see, I love speaking and yes, it's also a gift; however, God gave me several gifts to glorify Him...not myself.

I became increasingly distraught when offers to speak and write did not come pouring in. Often times I thought that perhaps I would best fulfill my purpose by freeing up time (i.e. helping God out a bit), so I decided not to train so many clients or run as many classes. I figured this would certainly allow more opportunities to do what I was sure God was calling me to do. Still, silence.

This circle of doing nothing went on for a few months. In those months I began to have several physical issues that needed medical attention. With the medical attention came prescriptions for rest and ultimately some downtime due to some nasty head colds. This leads us up to this past week and my eye opening moment with God.

God knows me better than I know myself. He also knows the best way to get me to really listen is to render me physically unable to do much: forced rest. So, as a sat in actual quiet time last week with no agenda but to listen, a few key things were brought to light.

For starters, of course I want to speak in churches! Let me be clear, I do not for one second think our church staff has an easy job ok? But hear my heart. I want to speak the Good News in churches because people who are sitting in church are already wondering what the Good News is. The planting and watering is done. The uncomfortable conversations have been had and the fruit is ripe for the picking people. THAT is what I harvest what I had not worked for. I'm just being honest here.

I mean, I love speaking at women's events and touching lives and I hope to continue that until the day I am called home, but my WORK is supposed to be different. I can't just wait for unsaved people to be placed in my lap. I cannot sit idly by and wait for people who need hope to be pointed my way.

That leads us here, to serving where we are. God has given me another gift: I love to teach. Now, I don't like to teach small children, but there are many ways to teach. I love working in the fitness industry and teaching people what they can do to be healthy. I am not a cookie cutter trainer, nor have I ever been (by God's design). I teach. When people sign on for sessions or attend camps, they come ready to learn. By serving where I am, God has enabled me to reach people who want to shape up but may have never even dreamed of setting foot in a church setting. My talents are shaped directly for the type of service God requires of me, and my new passion is to hone those talents and reach out to as many people as I can.

This now begs the question: where are you serving?

If you work in the church, are you stepping outside of those walls to pour hope on the hopeless?

If you volunteer at church on the weekend, do you spend your weekdays searching for those who need to hear some Good News in life?

Are you willing to serve right where you are today?

Think about it, and step out in faith knowing that He has already carved the way.