Monday, January 25, 2016

The Warrior's Road

Ephesians 6:10-18
10 This is the last thing I want to say: Be strong with the Lord’s strength. 11 Put on the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will not fall into the traps of the devil. 12 Our fight is not with people. It is against the leaders and the powers and the spirits of darkness in this world. It is against the demon world that works in the heavens. 13 Because of this, put on all the things God gives you to fight with. Then you will be able to stand in that sinful day. When it is all over, you will still be standing. 14 So stand up and do not be moved. Wear a belt of truth around your body. Wear a piece of iron over your chest which is being right with God. 15 Wear shoes on your feet which are the Good News of peace. 16 Most important of all, you need a covering of faith in front of you. This is to put out the fire-arrows of the devil. 17 The covering for your head is that you have been saved from the punishment of sin. Take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
18 You must pray at all times as the Holy Spirit leads you to pray. Pray for the things that are needed. You must watch and keep on praying. Remember to pray for all Christians.
Has it ever struck you that you are a warrior?
Maybe I jumped the gun here.....Have you ever thought about the fact that you are in a war?
Last year, the movie War Room came out and rocked a culture. My husband and I took it in on a date night and my prayer life has never been the same. If you haven't seen it, I challenge you to do so. I'll be speaking to a different version of a warrior today, but this particular movie paints a vivid picture of what we fight against and what we are fighting for.
My life has changed drastically in the last decade. There have been large and seemingly small events that have led me to where I am in this moment. I once was a little girl with such horrible self image issues and debilitating fear that I couldn't get through a simple piano recital without crying.....and then I promptly quit those lessons. Truth be told, I quit most everything in my early years.
One of my favorite things to do now is train for fighting, train other fighters, and teach self defense. This once shy little girl now speaks to groups both large and small about the best way to dislocate a jaw bone and break a knee....and I love every minute! You see, through these events I was able to uncover the warrior that God had created me to be.
I couldn't help myself :)
Now ladies, before you begin to beg to differ with me and tell me that God doesn't use women as warriors, let me introduce you to some friends of mine.
  • Jael (Judges 4). Jael drove a spike through the temple of Sisera after luring him into her tent. God used her obedience and cunning to stop the leader of an army of 10,000 threatening His people.
  • Hanna (1 Samuel). Hanna was barren and greatly ridiculed by her husbands other wife. She prayed for a son and dedicated him solely to God's service. Her strength is in her complete obedience to God and sending her child away at a young age to serve.
  • Abigail (1 Samuel). Abigail was described as beautiful, however, she was married to a pig headed man. When David asked for hospitality, Abigail's husband nearly cost them all their lives with his curt reply. Abigail went ahead and bowed before David in reverence as she brought gifts and apologies. We can overlook that she overstepped her husband, and that would constitute severe punishment. Her obedience saved many lives, including her own.
  • Esther (Esther). Let's not overlook the fact that Esther's obedience was so important that she got an entire book of the Bible! Esther put her own life on the line for the many lives of her people and was blessed greatly through generations.
  • Deborah (Judges). Oh my, how I love Deborah (and not just because my mom and daughter share her name). Deborah didn't sink back just because she was a woman. She was actually a prophetess, Bible woman during one of Isreal's most trying times. She was appointed by God at that time!
In the days of Shamgar, son of Anath, in the days of Jael. The highways were deserted, and the travelers walked along the byways. Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose, arose a mother in Israel. They chose new gods; then there was war in the gates; not a shield or spear was seen among forty thousand in Israel. My heart is with the rulers of Israel who offered themselves willingly with the people. Bless the Lord! . . . The Lord came down for me against the mighty. . . . Thus let all Your enemies perish, O Lord! But let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength.
The Story of Deborah in the Bible - excerpts from Judges 5, NKJV

I encourage you to read through the stories of ALL of these ladies, especially if you are struggling with your own purpose.

God uses women. That is a Biblical fact you can stamp on your forehead sister. If you feel as though you haven't been used, maybe you haven't yet offered up the use of your full self...

One of the facts of fight training is that you must FIRST learn how to fall because you will get knocked down. The second lesson is how to get back up. I have found these to be the two BIGGEST lessons in training and in life.

I have fallen many times in this life. For a few years, I simply stumbled from one thing to another. Then I had a fall that would change my life forever. A fall that would ripple to all around me and begin to change the fabric of my faith.

Several years ago, I felt like my husband and I should have another baby. No big deal right? Well, when your kids are teens and you've been perfectly content with life, you second guess it. After prayer and a lot of talking, I was pregnant. Everything was going swimmingly, and as stated before, the doctor was surprised by how quickly the baby grew. I myself thought I was growing a super human :). Anyways, at my 16 week check up, there was no heart beat. The baby had died and I, as his/her mother, didn't even know. I smiled, assured the doctor I was just fine, made my appointment for a D&C, and then met my husband at home for a glass of wine and copious amounts of fudge (it was right before Christmas). The following weeks are what truly made a difference...

To say that I was mad or angry is an understatement. I was livid. I was confused. I was broken, and I didn't like it. I stopped reading my Bible and absolutely refused to talk to God. He had taken from me, and I was acting a bit like a scorned toddler. My sense of self was skewed and I really didn't understand why He had left me here at all.

Why bring this particular story back to life again?

Because I came to a crossroads at this time in life. I could choose to believe when God said He meant everything for my good, or I could choose to ignore that fact. In the middle of a church service, the Holy Spirit (persistent guy...) broke through my self imposed barriers and begged me to believe.

This changed the question of GOOD for me. You see, I cannot see the whole picture, all I am shown is but a glimpse. The whole picture of my life and God's plan would dumbfound me (and God knows I already struggle with that). I am only show what I can handle in that very moment, so everything else is faith. Like Esther, I must step out in faith and be obedient. Like Deborah, I must step into my warrior gear and prepare myself to lead the charge. I cannot sit by apathetically any longer, simply wishing life was more comfortable.

Your encouragement for today is twofold: Read the opening scripture and pinpoint ONE part of the armor of God to work on this week. Next, read the stories presented of strong women of the Bible, then seek out more stories. Immerse yourself in His Word and the good you are so desperately seeking with be shown to you.....but it may not be what you expected.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

In the Name of Love


This four letter word can quite possibly be the most overused and yet most misunderstood word in the English language. I say I love my husband (and I do), but I also say I love Reese's peanut butter cups, coffee, colors, and my dog Bo.....all with seemingly the same amount of enthusiasm.

Consider songs for a moment. In the US we currently have a running tally of 127 songs that have been #1 with the word LOVE in them. This list doesn't include songs about love. Not to leave out the UK, who had 101 songs listed (where's the love guys? ). Here are a few top titles that may rings a bell:
  • I love you - Bing Crosby (1944)
  • Love is a many splendored thing- Four Aces (1955)
  • Love me tender- Elvis Presley (1956)
  • Love me do- The Beatles (1964)
  • STOP! In the name of love- The Supremes (1965)
  • When a man loves a woman- Percy Sledge (1966)
  • Love train- O'Jays (1973)
  • I love rock n' roll- Joan Jett and the Black Hearts (1982)
  • What's love got to do with it?- Tina Turner (1984)
  • I wanna know what love is- Foreigner (1985)
  • Addicted to love- Robert Palmer (1986)
  • Love bites- Def Leppard (1988)
  • Love will lead you back- Taylor Dayne (1990)
  • I will always love you- Whitney Houston (1990-1991)
  • Can't help falling in love- UB40 (1993)
  • The power of love- Celine Dion (1994)
  • Have you ever really loved a woman?- Bryan Adams (1995)
  • My heart will go on (love theme from the Titanic)- Celine Dion (1998)
  • I knew I loved you- Savage Garden (2000)
  • My Love- Justin Timberlake ft. T.I. (2006)
  • Bleeding love- Leona Lewis (2008)
  • Love the way you lie- Eminem ft. Rihanna (2010)
  • We found love- Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris (2011-2012)
The thing that most caught my attention as I was pouring over this particular list is the fact that we seem to have fewer choices as the years pass. Perhaps we have outgrown love....though I beg to differ. Almost everybody is looking intently for love. I believe we have allowed ourselves to become desensitized to it and that has opened us up to severe consequences of misunderstanding love.

I was young when I married, but felt as though I had aged decades in a handful of years. I was taking care of my household from a young age and considered myself responsible and reliable. I had been working since the age of 12 (starting with baby sitting jobs) and was a manager at the age of 17. How much older can you get right? I am blessed to say I truly did marry the only man I ever loved....however, that did not make it an easy pass into real adulthood.

The beginning years of our marriage were like traveling through a field of landmines. We fell fast and hard and the wedding pretty much followed that same path. We were two strangers trying to navigate life. I depended on my husband for my happiness along with everything else. It was far too great a burden for any mortal to bear, yet I believed it was his duty.

Entering into marriage, I promise we ALL have issues. If you have hung out with me on any given occasion, I am quick to point out my issues. I wasn't so transparent then. By hanging my hopes and dreams on him I built a home in which both of us were constantly disappointed. The love that had burned so fast and furious was now just slowly dying embers that were only fanned by desire, need and fights. And into this we brought two children.....because that fixes everything.

My story is probably familiar to you. If you haven't lived it, you probably know one who has or is navigating the field of landmines. So, what's the answer? I am still married to the man I lost my heart to almost two decades ago, so how did we fix it? Well, the answer lies in HOPE....and a definition of LOVE.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
1 John 3:16

My entire life took a turn when I realized that my hopes and dreams were being placed on someone who didn't have the materials to fulfill them. God refers to Himself as Elohim over 2300 times in the old testament. This word originates from the Hebrew root and means "strength" or "power". You see, where we need supplies, materials, experience, etc. to make things happen, Elohim needs nothing! In truth, He doesn't even need us (but that's for another post). God does not work with raw material. He doesn't need to call in His order for my life. If He wants me somewhere, He will get me there. He is all powerful. He is the strength to heal the hurting. He is IT....that proverbial thing we all look for. Love, that's Him. He encompasses it all and He knows love far better than we could ever understand it, which is why we are always searching for it.

The answer lies in where I place my hope for the future. The future of my marriage, the future of my children, the future of life. Where do I place my ultimate hope on which all other things hinge? I think of it this way: I respect and value education. In today's day and age, people seem to only need opinions (again, another post).Specialists have a higher amount of education within their specified scope of practice. Simply put: they know more. I have an example that may resonate.

Over the past year, I have been plagued with pain in my right hip. I did what I normally do and simply tried to ignore it. When it began to affect my daily activities, I started seeking professional help. Over 8 months I saw doctor after doctor who all had an opinion, but nobody could find answers. My physical health began to worsen and I was starting to lose the light at the end of the tunnel. Then, I took a suggestion to find a sports medicine specialist. You see, I'm an active girl who enjoys being active. This hip was messing that up for me and sports med doctors specialize in active people who want to remain active. I found one and saw her last week. She has some answers and I am in rehab to recover. The pain is still there, but at least now we know the cause and we know the course of action to take to lessen that pain.

What's the point of me telling you the doctor melodrama? Because we are all searching for that perfect love and hope. We look for it in people, places, peanut butter cups....but we don't go to the One and only that specializes. God offers what we need, when we need it. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Bible even says He is love:
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
1 John 4:16
The Bible also makes it clear how boldly God loves:
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16
So, if you are part of the billions who are searching for what love truly is, look no further than the one who FIRST loved.....and find your hope and freedom there.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Whom Shall I Fear?

The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.
Proverbs 29:25
It's a 4 letter word that can stop us in our tracks. It is a living, breathing force that haunts dreams and halts progress. It can come in the heavy form of an ill-health diagnosis or in the nagging pain of not being in control. Any way it presents itself, knowing what we fight makes us better prepared for anything that lies ahead.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12
Have you ever given thought to the origin of fear? For most of us, we try to pretend it's not there. We bury our head in the sand and ignore it as long as we can. Wars are not won by ignoring the other side. Enemies are studied. At times some are even interrogated so the other side can find out MORE about their enemy. Knowledge is great power, if one learns to wield it correctly.
Before you argue that fear can be a good thing, let me be clear as to the type of fear I am calling out here. I am speaking to any fear that causes us to live a half-life. I am calling out the fear that keeps us in our own bubble. I am talking to the fear that makes us strive for more control....over our bodies, our health, our finances and our children. I am speaking directly to the fear that keeps us from reading the Word of God because we aren't sure if we will like what we see. And yes, I am even speaking to the direct fear that some people purposefully pour out onto others so as to make us ineffective. THAT is the fear that must be dealt with...with a malicious intent to purge and destroy it.
 Yeah, I used a yoda quote.....
One truth about fear is it grows in darkness. As long as we resist confronting our fears, they grow to irrational proportions. I was bound by fear for most of my life. Fear of dying, fear of judgment, fear for my safety and the safety of my family, fear of failure, and even fear of success. I lived a half-life, stuck under the thumb of fear and ineffective to my true purpose and calling. Your calling cannot be met in fear! It thrives in faith.
If fear consumes your life, the important question is not What do you fear? The most important question you can answer is Where is your faith?
Faith rooted in Jesus Christ brings light. This light is unlike anything we can truly understand and, more importantly, darkness is unable to thrive in this light. I know what you may be thinking....."I know Jesus, but I still struggle with fear." One of the most ignorant things we can believe as Christians is that we become untouchable once we are saved. That is equal to thinking we are unable to sin once we become saved. I don't know about you, but I can't go a day without God's grace for the sin I cling to and keep with me. The Good News is that His grace is sufficient, even for me.
The biggest question you have to answer today is WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?
Who goes before you? Or rather, who do you place before you?
The Lord is the One Who goes before you. He will be with you. He will be faithful to you and will not leave you alone. Do not be afraid or troubled.
Deuteronomy 31:8
A common argument among Christians is whether or not we SHOULD do anything. Some would say that it is foolish of me to not hold my family under my protective arms during threatening times. I think differently. God tells us to move. In fact, there are 34 recorded verses using the term MOVE. In any situation, if I see a path that causes stagnation, that is not the path I choose. I have been stagnant most of my life, and have felt as though I was living empty and void of passion.
The real truth is that I have no the way, neither do you. Other than the basics of self care (which I do believe we should invest in), I cannot control my personal health. I have no control over my family. I cannot force my husband to love me and only have eyes for me. I cannot strong arm my children OR keep them locked in home when fear comes knocking. When financial crisis strikes I cannot create wealth. What can I do? I can pray. I can pray with intention and fervently seek God's will. Any other course of action is destined to disappoint.
I remember my first true encounter with this when I was 17 years old. My mom had been diagnosed as terminally ill and cancer had begun to eat away at her body. I was working at a nearby store and would take breaks every 2-3 hours to come home and move her from one spot to another, then I would sing Amazing Grace as she drifted to sleep. I argued with God. I tried to change things. I bought her tons of gifts. Finally, one day, I relinquished the control I so desperately wanted. I prayed confidently, Thy will be done. She passed a few days later and felt pain no more.
Now, it can be easy to look at that time and think WHAT???? It didn't end right! Oh, but it did. If it hadn't been for that one hinge point in life, I would not be anywhere near where I am today. That one point allowed me to embrace the mortal life and chip away at one fear. My life has since been filled with many points that help me let go of fear. Why? Because my calling is to help others live effectively and fully in their calling. And none of us can do that if we are hanging on to fear.
You have to know your enemy. Today, fear runs so thick you can almost see it. It's on the faces of the children who are scared to death walking to school. It's in the quivering voice of a mom asking for healing over a sick child. It sets up camp in the back of our minds as it reminds us that this world isn't what it used to be. Friends, rest assured that one thing still remains: God is forever faithful and He is in control. Nothing has escaped His sight. He didn't blink and miss something. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the vanquisher of all fear. He is the lifter of worry....and He is patiently waiting for His children to STAND UP against the true enemy. Stop holding to control you don't have. Stop blaming each other. Call fear into the light, bring it into the ring and trust that Almighty God will fight for you. That is how we win this war....

The Lord—the One We Trust

91 He who lives in the safe place of the Most High will be in the shadow of the All-powerful. I will say to the Lord, “You are my safe and strong place, my God, in Whom I trust.” For it is He Who takes you away from the trap, and from the killing sickness. He will cover you with His wings. And under His wings you will be safe. He is faithful like a safe-covering and a strong wall.
You will not be afraid of trouble at night, or of the arrow that flies by day. You will not be afraid of the sickness that walks in darkness, or of the trouble that destroys at noon. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand. But it will not come near you. You will only look on with your eyes, and see how the sinful are punished. Because you have made the Lord your safe place, and the Most High the place where you live, 10 nothing will hurt you. No trouble will come near your tent.
11 For He will tell His angels to care for you and keep you in all your ways. 12 They will hold you up in their hands. So your foot will not hit against a stone. 13 You will walk upon the lion and the snake. You will crush under your feet the young lion and the snake.
14 Because he has loved Me, I will bring him out of trouble. I will set him in a safe place on high, because he has known My name. 15 He will call upon Me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will take him out of trouble and honor him. 16 I will please him with a long life. And I will show him My saving power.
Psalm 91


Monday, January 11, 2016

A Work in Progress......

“Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. You have no security unless you can live bravely, excitingly, imaginatively; unless you can choose a challenge instead of competence.”
Eleanor Roosevelt, The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt

In my line of work I have been blessed to meet many women. I have met women all over the United States as well as women in Ethiopia and Moldova. Lord willing, I will meet many more. My heart bleeds for these women. They come from all walks of life, all different levels of education and income, different careers and aspirations; yet they have all voiced a common thread of disillusionment with life...none have been happy with themselves, where they are in the moment.

These seemingly simple disappointments range from the physical to the emotional to the psychological, but they all served as a reminder that each of these women were not yet to the proverbial THERE. In my 38 years on earth I can count on one hand the women who were accepting of themselves and their current state. This is something I want to change for future generations....

Please understand, I am not saying it is wrong to want to better yourself in any way. The problem comes when we see ourselves as lacking as opposed to content and simply seeking betterment. I think that some of this disillusionment comes from the overwhelming theme of women being a "work in progress". We have been taught from a young age that we just simply aren't there. We need to grow into our eyebrows, our jeans, or even our bra size. We have growing to do to be able to be fully used in any kind of ministry. And, somewhere along the way, we began to believe and teach that a lady who graciously accepts a compliment must be conceited. It's enough to make your curly hair straighten from the weight of the load!

I have been painfully aware of the "work in progress" mentality since I was a youngster. I was raised by a line of women who were never finished getting THERE. Chronic dieting and physical degradation was a part of my daily life from a young age. To me, it was normal to feel this way. It was agreeable to be dissatisfied with different aspects. Should I have ever gotten my body in shape then I would need to focus on my other many flaws. Make no mistake, this type of living is not living freely, nor is it living in our power. And if we aren't living in our power, then I'm afraid we stay under Satan's thumb. Friend, that's not freedom.

The reality of this behavior struck me almost mute a little over a year ago. I was on my second trip to Chisinau, Moldova in May of 2014. I had the privilege of taking my daughter as well, and fully expected this to be an eye opening journey for her. The cause for the trip had been over a year in the making: I was to train one of the girls from the safe house I visited a year earlier and train her to be able to help others. I was also able to spend time in both the safe house and the prevention home during my days there.

The girls in this safe house have endured more atrocities than many of us can imagine, myself included. These girls were sold into human slavery, often by their own parents. They have been raped repeatedly and finally rescued and brought to a place of refuge. The girls in the prevention center were at risk of the same fate and often related to the girls in the other home. This history is important for the next part of the story.

I visited both houses several times and spoke to the girls on self care (the medical system is severely lacking in Moldova), self defense, and the love of Jesus and his true restoration power. After each session I would open the floor for any questions. As I prepared myself to really hit the mark and be flooded with girls needing prayer (more on how I jump the gun later), I was completely shocked by the questions that flooded the room:
  • How do I get my belly flat?
  • How do I lose weight?
  • How do I fix my arms/legs/butt/etc?
Honestly, it was an eye opener for my teenage daughter.....this self deprecation spans the globe and all social status.

So now that we have identified the problem, how do we fix it? I mean, it seems far too large and deeply rooted in the culture of women right?

Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
The answer lies fully in where we find our strength, power and freedom. If I look to myself, my jean size (don't get me started on that), others opinions, or the world's point of view, then I will ALWAYS be a work in progress. I will always be taking my place back at the end of the line. I will always circle back only to what I know....and I will not fasten my hope to what I believe.

Genesis 1:26-27 “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
So the real question to turning the tides of this image crisis is this: What is your belief?

Stick around, dear friends, we're in this together and we will finish together. We can set our hope on the Most High and find the freedom we desperately seek.

Now it's your turn! Join in the conversation and let your voice be heard!

Do you struggle with a not-there-yet mentality that could be holding you back?

Have you overcome body image issues? If so, how?

Do you have a go-to verse that creates a strong foundation in your life? Please share!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

First comes the struggle...

“Dispute not with her: she is lunatic.”
William Shakespeare, Richard III
Hello Lovelies,
Nearing the close of the first week of a brand new year can bring loads of different thoughts and emotions for us gals. Am I the only one feeling inadequate so far? Let me explain...
This explanation will actually time hop a bit to roughly 4 years ago (don't worry, the post won't be that long). I felt "the Call" to be a speaker and writer. May I be frank for a moment? I am far better at speaking than writing. In light of that, writing is where I need to be for the moment. To say God works in mysterious ways is a severe understatement.
So, with that call I did....nothing. Well, nothing much at any rate. I came up with a book proposal (of my own design), signed up for a writers conference, and subjected myself to the judgment of editors, publishers and agents. I left with the assurance that while I could technically write, there was just not a need for what I was talking about. That is a key point here ladies (and any gents too). I CAN write......
I'll fast forward for you now. This year I decided it was time I give up the fight, lay down my weapons and start following Christ the way I was called. I have learned some valuable lessons in life and vowed not to be distracted by the pretty little things. I don't know about you, but I do get distracted easily. In fact, I have found that I will seek out distraction in order to forgo what I should be doing. I it just me? Doubtful.....
Distractions and feelings of inadequacy have hit hard this week. A business plan I had in place COMPLETELY fell through and took with it the money I had already started to count. I was contacted by a super swanky gym (like one that serves water in wine glasses people) about a position. Um, temptation much anybody? The drama button is turned up high in the workforce and if I am truly honest with you then I can tell you that my passion for fitness and food (both of which how I make money) has bottomed out and nearly flat lined as of today. Do I feel inadequate? Oh yes.
Perhaps you have been where I am today. Maybe you are right here with me. If so, please feel free to speak up. It's not a fun place to be. I second guess the entire WHY as to my existence here and that is a whole problem I shouldn't even give breath to. Am I crazy? Absolutely. I find that I have yet to meet a completely sane woman. Please, don't feel judged. And men, if you can't understand us, imagine how we feel not able to decipher our own codes!
I think as women we believe our suffering ends at childbirth and the need for our husband (Genesis 3:16). Oh child, it goes beyond that. We as women walk the earth full of more than the human body should have to bear, child or no. Often times I hear women referred to as wearing many hats, meaning we are involved in many roles in life. As our world grows, our roles seem to multiply. At the root of it all we are like any other human...we simply want our lives to matter. We want to leave some footprints on the face of the earth. We want to make a dent and yet we can't get enough momentum to make it happen.
And why?
Friends, it is my belief that the answer to the why is found in the common enemy we all share. I believe God designed women to be awesome (I'm sure that's in the Bible somewhere in that exact wording). I believe if we as women would sit up straight and do what we are supposed to do then the world would be VASTLY different. I believe beyond the shadow of a doubt that we as women can change the very fabric of the world. So why don't we? It seems to me as though women are under Satan's thumb, right where he wants us to be. Wiggling, but not moving. Constantly taking 2 steps forward to be knocked down 2 flights. Do you know I have NEVER met a woman who is completely content in who and where she is in that very moment? This is daunting for me to think of as I am a mom to a 14 year old young woman.
Here's the beauty though...I believe we can change.
2 Corinthians 5:17
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
Are you longing for something new? Is your desire to be able to live fully in your calling, never second guessing or feeling confused? Do you feel as though you are being defeated at times? Do you want to change how we interact and ultimately change the world? Do you believe that can happen?
As we journey through scripture together, studying the women of the Bible and how they were used in powerful ways, I hope your eyes will begin to see that you have a divine purpose. You are here for a reason! And when we begin to doubt our own ability, we can rely on Jesus and His ability through us. Are you ready to become something new?