Monday, March 18, 2013

Body Language

Did you know that the state of your physical body speaks volumes about your faith?

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own for you were bought with a price. Glorify God in your body."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

That can be hard for some to digest, but I beg you to stay with me here...

Back in the days of my couch sitting and junk food eating :) I hid behind the glaringly false excuse that God "made me this way". Um, no. God expects us to take care of our own health and wellness. He does not act as a genie awaiting our cry when we have gone too far and our health is at risk. He gave us a body....we are stewards of that body just as we are stewards of the money, talents and family he has given us.

Why is this such a hard thing to comprehend? Well, for one, our world is ALL over blaming others. We blame people for how our children act, blame teachers for bad grades, blames spouses for a rocky marriage, blame traffic for constant tardiness and blame everybody under the sun for the state of our health. My challenge to you? STAND UP! Take responsibility for your own health and body! It's plain as day that we are instructed to take care of it. Does this mean we beat it up as punishment in the gym? Hardly. Does it mean we starve ourselves to fit a certain size? NO. Does it mean we eat as we please, sit on our ever expanding rumps and simply expect that God will show mercy on our lazy soul? If you shake your head no, then why do we do it?

Am I stepping on toes and getting under your skin yet? I certainly hope so....
The interesting thing is when we are confronted with things that make us uncomfortable, we either flee or complain. I hear the latter daily. People complain about having to work out to look a certain way. They complain about food. They complain about trainers, gyms, bathrooms, water, green stuff, veggies, proteins, treats, squats, lunges, get the picture yet? How do we STOP?

Here are a few things that come to mind. First, we must flip the switch in our minds. In other words, YOU CAN STOP COMPLAINING. You simply have to make that choice AND work towards it. I have visited parts of the world where women are not allowed to work out. Did you just read that? And before you start wishing you could waste lazy days away there, think of this: they do NOT have the FREEDOM to work out. Does that make you view your classes and sessions a bit differently now?

Second, find a cause to work for. Studies have shown that people who train for a cause, such as the MS 150, the Walk for the Cure, or a variety of Fun Runs donating to certain causes, tend to work until the end. What does that mean? They don't complain and quit! Why? Because it's about OTHERS! That's the ticket. Involve yourself in helping others. Find a cause that is dear to your heart, something that pulls at those little heart strings and train for it!

Every workout I do is geared towards my calling. It just happens that my calling is a little on the active side :) It gets me to the gym even when I don't feel like it. You see fitness, much like faith, has nothing to do with your feelings and everything to do with your habits. You can cultivate healthy habits by committing to them. Does it take time? Yes. Will it be uncomfortable at times? Yes. Will it please your Heavenly Father? Look at the verse above again....YES!

Commit to something today that will change the lives of others. Reach off of your coach, past your home, into your community and into the nations.

Need a cause?

I have 2 ways you can give to those imprisoned in sex trafficking and human exploitation.
The first is simply a gift to help change their lives. A gym to provide safety, life skills and new jobs to victims of sex trafficking and human exploitation in Chisinau, Moldova.
Second, I have fitness challenges starting in April. Every cent made from these challenges will go to fund mission trips to Moldova, Africa and even India to help rescue and train those who have had hope stripped from their lives.

The question now lies with you. Are you willing? You need not be ready, for God only asks that you remain willing to help.


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