Friday, December 14, 2012


Most of us don't really think about end of year giving until taxes roll around right? The thing is, tax deductible donations are tallied up based on the total from the previous year. If you're looking for a tax break (um, hello? aren't we all???) then I have just the opportunity for you.

Children's Hope Chest is a non profit organization that helps children all over the world.
As many of you know (or even if you don’t), I felt called to do a mission trip to Moldova at the end of January. In Moldova, kids are basically kicked out of the orphanages at age 14; because of this, alcoholism among teenagers is very high and many of the girls turn to the sex trade as their last resort. Others are lured in and trafficked against their will. Children’s HopeChest has a program that helps teach them skills so that they can earn a decent living and stay out of trouble. That is what I am going over there to do. I'll be teaching self defense.  Here’s a little info on what they are doing.

 Before I give to any charity I always check them out with Charity Navigator. Children’s HopeChest has a very high 3, almost 4 out of 4 star rating. I try to stick with charities that use at least 80% of their finances for program expenses. You can check them out here

 Now, you totally have the option to give to this particular trip OR you can checkout all the other options Hopechest offers for any giving. Any and all contributions count towards saving lives and YOU can be a part of something BIG. PLUS, most companies will match your donation to 501/503 C, non profit organizations. Most of these young adults simply want the basics: toiletries. Seriously, it doesn't get much more basic than that. If you're at all interested in donating to THIS specific trip keep reading. If your heart pulls in a different direction, simply check out for info on all they have to offer :)

The total cost for the trip is roughly $2500.00. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. If anyone needs year end charitable donations, this is a good one. In order to contribute to THIS trip, go to and click on the “Give” tab. Select “Trip Payments” and enter the amount of your donation, any amount is helpful. Use the Reference Number MT130101T and put MICHELLE CARLSON in the NOTES field.

In God's Love,

Monday, December 10, 2012


Any time we head out on the town as a family, my son and I play a little game. We challenge each other to find smiling faces. It may sound corny, but it's our thing :)

Last night we headed out to our church home for the annual Christmas Pageant and my son and I decided to engage in our little game. The pageant was completely sold out and the seats were nearly full. So, I'll be kind and say we're talking about a couple hundred people (in reality, that should be multiplied). I asked my son to count the smiling faces and he counted 6 and 1/2. The half was a lady whom he could not fully see.

After making this not-so-startling discovery, I asked him what he did notice about all the others. He said they seemed impatient and unhappy. Most were waiting for the show to start, some were barking orders about seats, and other were simply frowning. In the most joyous time of year, there seemed to be far too much bitterness amongst us all...

To me, this begs the question: Why the long face? Now, I get it. I don't know your life, but I would venture a guess as to the fact that you don't know mine either. In fact, many of us are blithely unaware of each others plights and struggles. I find it interesting that those who live with a pessimistic view of the world see those of us who seem happy as not having any problems to deal with. In reality, it is not the problems that are the's our mindset.

How do you handle the magnifying glass of the Christmas season? Do you hold tight to grudges you should have let go long ago? Do you intensify feeling of loneliness by cutting others off from your life? Do you try to make up for a years worth of bad attitudes by going "schedule crazy" in December? Or do you get into debt up to your eyeballs trying to buy favor from others? What do you find your heart all wrapped up in this Christmas?

I believe the key to a fulfilling season is found in the chasm of our mind. For example, if we only focus on how others have done us wrong we will eventually reap the bitter seeds we sow in our hearts. What's worse is the only one we hurt is ourselves. So what do we turn our mind to? I find my answer in the book of Isaiah.
Even to your old age I am He, and even to hair white with age will I carry you. I have made, and I will bear; yes, I will carry and will save you. Isaiah 46:4
I am assured here that God is with me no matter what. I can let you in a little secret now: we're all human. Yes, even you. I'm sure I have disappointed people and I rest assured you have as well. God is higher and He is where our thoughts should rest so our souls can find rest as well.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Change in Perception

Christmastime has always been pretty mush the same for me. In my heart I strive to honor God and take a few moments each year to express my gratefulness for His sacrifice for me. Inevitably, my attention turns to gifts. I feel pulled in a thousand different directions from making Christmas list for each member in my family (oh, and each list for each person has to be different for each Grandparent), to striving to find a gift that will spark the wanted response. Most of the time the latter brings the utmost disappointment....

You see, this time of year has gotten to be too hectic for me. I wasn't raised this way. Don't get me wrong, I had gifts. Truth be told, my brother and I had excess of gifts on Christmas morning. I don't recall making lists for anyone but Santa and it felt like vacation lasted a lifetime. Now it seems as though my incessant requests for list making trump my daily duties as mother, teacher and business owner and my children are with me for fleeting moments before life settles in again. Last year it became evident that things must change.

My husband and I sat both of the kids down and talked with them about the "stuff" aspect of Christmas. We all decided that we would much rather give of the stuff since the Lord has allowed us to live so fruitfully these past years. The next step was finding the "what, where, and how".

Fast forward to the day my perception was changed. I had signed up to attend a vision trip to Moldova with Hopechest Ministries. On this trip (which is in January) myself and a group of writers will take on the task of ministering to girls who have been rescued from sex slavery. We will also be teaching in the local schools and visiting families who help these young ladies. In order to prepare for this trip, I involved myself in research. I found much more than I had ever dreamed of finding.

It was during a conference call a couple of months back that it happened. A small question was asked. The question was, "What can we bring for these girls? You know, what do they want?" The answer floored me. "The one thing these girls covet the most are simple toiletries: soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo.....these things are luxuries to them". Don't turn off now, because I know that is the first response! Think about that. I live about a quarter mile from a Walgreens. When I want soap, I get it. Honestly, I grab soap and loads of other things I truly don't need. When was the last time I actually used soap from Walgreens anyways? Nowadays we use the latest scent to tickle our fancy when these girls would love a bar of Ivory....

Greed. It clouds the mind and clutters the soul. It makes us believe that our homes aren't big enough, when they appear to be castles to many. Greed can make us feel as though we deserve better. Greed is the very thing that corrodes the veins within the human soul and leads us to believe we can simply buy our way into others hearts....once a year. I have uplifting news though: compassion and selflessness CAN rid the heart of greed. I'm talking about true selflessness here, not simple gift giving. There are times when the gift giving can be more selfish than withholding.

So, in this time that is to represent the goodness in the human soul, what will you do with this information? Will you close your eyes, shut it out and go on about your routine? Or will you CHOOSE to accept that you, yes YOU, could be the very one to help? And if it is you, what will happen if you ignore this call? Friends, I tell you honestly, I do not fear death. My biggest fear is coming face to face with my Heavenly Father and hearing the words "Why did you NOT do as I commanded with what I gave you?"

I leave you with one fleeting thought: If you're not uncomfortable, you're not doing enough.

Will you answer the call? Will you change a story?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

When I can't take the pain away

Loss of any kind can leave a mark on our souls.

Losing a valuable possession can leave us feeling unorganized.

Losing a game can leave us feeling less than capable.

Losing a loved one can leave us feeling empty.

How do we overcome these feelings in an imperfect world that can sometimes seemed marred by loss? What is step 2?

God's Word warns us of being controlled by feelings. His Word tells us that the heart is deceitful above ALL things (Jeremiah 17:9), but the world tells us to follow our hearts. Following our feelings leads to confusion. God is not the author of confusion, but rather the Giver of freedom. If I choose to live by FAITH instead of feelings, I live in freedom from the losses of this world...

Our family suffered a great loss this week. A woman strong in faith, never offering judgement upon others, but the subject of other's judgement her whole life. She was called many things, but the most treasured was the title of Grandma. My children have suffered hurt this week, as have many others I love. This kind of hurt cuts deep and often leaves scars. We can fall into a cloud of desensitized existence and simply go through the motions. Losses such as this are often left unexplained to those left behind.

In order to truly live by faith and not by feelings, the question that must be asked is "WHAT?". We are quick to ask "why?" and often "how?", but do we really slow down and tune in to the what? What is God's plan through this? What is my part to play? What does my faith lead me to do?

Psalms reminds us that God has numbered our days before we were ever even conceived. He set us upon this Earth for a God given purpose, ordained of Him and only for us. So, why are we not let in on His plans? It is my firm belief that is He told us everything we truly would not be able to handle it. He grows us into our calling through life circumstances to grow our faith. I was unclear of His reasoning for taking my mom so young until nearly 15 years later when I was able to help others grieving from the loss of their own mothers. When we suffer a deep loss we simply need to know that life, though we may not want it to, does go on. Besides, if God told us His plans, can we honestly say that we would not try to change them for our own selfish reasons?

So, as we approach a celebration of life, I hope that if you have suffered a loss of any kind that the fog will begin to clear and you can see the bigger picture. The "what" becomes the purpose you are here for right now. We can choose to try to change the unchangeable and fight through the turmoil, or we can give our burdened hearts to God, allowing the Creator of all to wash us clean once more. Just as my mother washed my scraped knees and kissed my boo-boos, my Heavenly Father so desires that I bring my pain to Him and lay it down at His willing feet.

Whatever the loss and whatever the situation you face today, there is a single truth to hold on to: You are not alone. Your Father longs to wipe your tears and restore your joy.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Why I Stopped Reading My Bible

I hope this post finds you well and in some awesome spirits today :)
I'm sharing some pretty personal stuff today, so bear with me...

For as long as I can remember, my mother woke early every morning to read her Bible. She also participated in Bible studies at her school and worked after school at a Christian book store. As a mother myself, I took to reading my Bible every morning well. Then, a funny thing day I just stopped reading my Bible.

Now, that may cause some Bible reading enthusiasts to gasp, but stay with me here. For at least 15 years of my adult life I read my Bible on NEARLY a daily basis. I cannot tell you how many times I have read through the Bible and honey, the book of Psalms and I are pretty tight. So why would a woman suddenly stop reading her Bible? Because I started studying it....

I am no Bible scholar, which means I have to dig pretty deep to understand things at times. The biggest turn around in my entire Christian life came when I stopped going through the motions of reading, and started studying. My whole inner being and outer shell were flipped upside down and life became a crazy ride that I was BLESSED to be a part of, and no longer a curse to bear.

You know the reading drill: you have set verses and you flip them open and check out the passage. On particularly spiritual days, you may even jot down a note or 2. For those who were like me, perhaps you enjoy playing Bible roulette. You know the game right? You close your eyes and lay your Bible in your lap, then stick your finger in it and read whatever verse opened. If the verse gives us hope, we think it's from God. If it challenges us, we spin again.... Yes, this was my Bible reading life.

So what can change a Bible reader into a Bible studier? PASSION. You read that right, passion. A passion to change was ignited in the deepest parts of my being and I couldn't quench it no matter how hard I tried. I scoured Bible book stores until I found a Bible that resonated with how my mind organically works (for me, it's the Amplified Bible. I like words) and that allowed more doors for study to be opened up. The more I studied, the more I wanted to know. The more I wanted to know, the less my focus zeroed in on me and my circumstances. The more broadened my focus became, the more I could hear the Holy Spirit at work in me. The more He worked, the more intently I focused and listened. Instead of trying to chase down my purpose and wrestle it into submission (side note: if you have to wrestle it, it isn't yours) I listened for His voice to reveal it to me. And He always does.

You needn't buy a fancy Bible or invest in study software (though I cannot say I love it enough!) to become a studier of the Bible. Call on your passion! And if you don't feel your passion, pray it on! Ask God to reignite the passion in you to fulfill your Holy ordained purpose. Study for a reason much bigger than yourself. Be willing to do the work, because it is so worth it.

Are you willing to take the first step towards greater change? Be the difference you so want to see.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What can we really do?

There are times when we are fortunate enough to be thumped right between our bug eyes. Sorry, that's a saying I held onto from my grandpa:)
There are times when God is gracious enough to burst the bubble that has been carefully constructed around me and open my eyes to the state of reality. I know many people who want to run and hide when faced with the realities of the world we live in, and if I were to be honest I would tell you that I have felt that same way more than once in my life. Many people curl up and think that it would simply be easier if Jesus came to grab us all right now, before things get worse. I suppose it would be easy to think that way. I mean, thinking that way allows me to let myself off the hook...

If I hold tight to the belief that God will simply see the world as too devastating and condemn it all (while I hold tight to my cushy salvation), then am I truly doing the work? Matthew 28 tells us, referring to the saved by the grace of Jesus blood, to go and tell the nations. Now, my heart tells me that if God has chosen NOT to send His Son and take up the sheep, and I still draw breath, then I have a job to do. My job is twofold: To go. And to tell. There is no grey area here.

So I now toe the edge of the commission I have been called to fulfill. In January 2013 I will join a group of ladies for a trip to Moldova. We will be ministering to young girls who have been forced into sex slavery via the trafficking industry. Make no mistake, the trafficking industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that many people just turn a blind eye towards. Is it because we don't care? I think it is because we think we are too small to make a difference.

If you look at the stories in the Bible that drove GREAT change, they were done by little people! Goliath was huge, but he was not God's hero. Little David was God's hero. God uses the big hearts, not the most accomplished people or largest arenas. Take a look at some of the plagues God used to free His people. 1 locust wouldn't cause much harm, but a swarm can take down a city. 1 frog is kind of cute, millions are a plague. If you had 1 termite in your home it wouldn't be a gig deal, but what if you had a whole tribe of termites working together for one cause? Do you get the picture I am drawing?

Sex trafficking is not the only thing our world must fight right now. The AIDS/HIV epidemic is reaching higher daily, as is domestic violence. In countries such as Moldova, Russia and Africa, these epidemics stem from extreme poverty. Young girls are tricked into slavery from want for a little food in their bellies while many of us beg for the perfect diet plan or pill to make us skinny. There are reported to be 210 million orphans living throughout the world as of today AND 2.18 BILLION people claiming to be Christians. I know some people see where I am headed and shut down the computer and close their eyes tight, but the question isn't "what if you were to adopt?" or even "what if you went on a mission trip?" The question is "What if we stopped putting ourselves FIRST and opened our hearts to love like Jesus?"

Would that make a difference in the world? If we stood up for our beliefs instead of hiding behind them, would our world look different? If we opened our eyes instead of pulling the covers over our heads, would our world look different? If we trusted God for our safety instead of ourselves, would our world look different?

There are many ways to be actively involved in where God leads your heart, but we must first open the pages of His Word and find out where we are to go. You may never leave your hometown or know the process of adoption, but I promise you can still help. If we all do our part, big or small, what would that look like?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

What we all need to hear....

    The other night I finally made some time to sit down with my daughter and watch The Help. Although they did a fantastic job, the book is so worth the read! The part that touched every soul was the 3 simply stated facts from a nanny to her charge:
  1. You is kind.
  2. You is smart.
  3. You is important.
    Now, in the movie you only hear it twice, but in the book it is repeated often. It made me pause for a moment and think of those things that we all need to hear. Even those who put a fresh coat of paint on the broken exterior need to hear affirmations. Some of us were lucky enough to grow up in a loving home, whereas others have never truly felt loved. One thing we all have in common is the thread of wanting to be loved and needed.

    You are beautiful.
Life moves quickly whether we are on the carousel or not. Outward beauty changes with the times and fads come and go with the decades. There is one thing that never changes: when God looks upon His daughter's, He sees beauty amidst the chaos that surrounds her.

    You are useful.
Now, on the surface of this sentence it may seem a bit bland, but how often do you wonder if people even care if you wake up in the morning? Many of us can struggle with these thoughts, but You are useful! There are things that you have to offer that are unique to you alone. You have gifts and talents that others can benefit from in life. Often we simply have to dig deeper into our souls to find these gifts. Even when you think there are plenty of people who can do what you do (and possibly do it better), remind yourself that as long as God places air in your lungs your gifts are useful.

   You are purposed.
Where you are is no mistake. You have a purpose to fulfill. God does not look at the SIZE of the purpose, He looks at the heart of the purposeful. God doesn't just use those who seem to have it all together, He uses those whose hearts beat for His glory. You may never see the fruits of your labor while on this Earth, but the bountifulness of your work to the glory of God's name will carry into eternity.

   You are worthy.
You are worth so very much to your Heavenly Father. You are worth far more than words from a slippery tongue. You are worth more than accolades from Earthly realms. You are worth more than what somebody would pay for you. You, my friend, are worth the life of His one and only Son. You are worth the life of a King of kings and Lords of lords. You are worth the very last breath of Jesus and His love for you is so strong that even the grave could not contain Him. You are worthy.

The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are the children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ. Romans 8:16-17

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bible Study Made Easy

I think a lot of people get an uneasy feeling when the phrase "Bible Study" is mentioned. This can be due to a misunderstanding of what this phrase means, or even a bad experience in the name of church.

Bible study really doesn't have to be all that complicated. It is simply the study of the Bible, which we can see when we look at the words. I like to think of it a little more like Bible immersion. That can be a pretty big word to wrap our heads around, but when you immerse yourself in something you simply go all-in. You can immerse yourself physically into a pool of water, or mentally into your studies. It's simply a way of giving your all to something.

Whenever we start dating, we want to know everything about our new found love interest right? We want to know his favorite color, favorite sport, favorite movie and even favorite food! Why? Because the more we know about him, the closer we feel to him. That gives us a sense of security. It works the same way with God, only better ;-)

We thirst to know about God and to be loved just as we are, no strings attached. Well, in reality we often look for that love from others, but honey, you can only find THAT kind of love in God. Studying God's Word is what allows us those inner glimpses into God Himself and His plans for us. Let me give you a visual....

My husband and I only went on about 2 dates before we got engaged. You see, he went into the Army after our first date! During boot camp and jump school we wrote each other AT LEAST once a day every day. I literally stalked the mailman and Sundays were my least favorite days due to the mail not running. I couldn't even wait to rip open the envelope when I retrieved it from the box! I would begin reading immediately. Why? I wanted to know him. I needed to hear about his day and what he had been doing. I immersed myself into knowing him better, and it paid off!

The same is true with God's Word. He tells us of His love (John 3:16) and His plans (Jeremiah 29:11). I think where we can get confused is that interpretation of His Word can sometimes get wonky. You have the name-it-and-claim-it pastors that tell you if you're life isn't perfect you just aren't believing. On the flip side, you have the hell-fire-and-brimstone ones who believe life as we know it isn't worth much and we should just buckle up and pray for an apocalypse.

It can be a lot to take in, but I am promising you now that you do not need a secret decoder ring to understand the Bible! What do you need? Well, for starters, you need to commit to spending time daily reading the Bible. For most beginners it helps to have a guide just to know where to go. These are available through your local church. Most of can benefit from a Bible study as well. You don't need to be a theology major to lead a Bible study, but make sure whoever leads has done their homework :)

The Bible itself is the focus of your study and therefore, I recommend you focus on getting one that works for you. What do I mean by that? There are many different Bibles available, both in print and online. The NIV is one of the most popular, while some prefer the ESV or ASV (new international version, English standard version, American standard version). Personally, I read out of the Amplified version mostly, but love the NIV and still even dive into good old King James when I find it's needed. Try out different versions and see what settles best with your soul. You'll find the fit to be like your favorite pair of jeans...comfortable to the touch.

Beauty Mark Ministries will be hosting online Bible study beginning in September. No need to sign up, just show up at your computer. This will be a beginner lesson, aimed at learning how to set aside that time and why it is so important.

I hope to see you in some Bible Immersion soon!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

So many wonderful things!

Welcome to Beauty Mark!

So many awesome things are happening in ministry right now and I wanted to share a bit with you.

  1. We now have a Vimeo channel that will host all things Beauty Mark! You'll get videos on the little things, like beauty products, reviews, and even home remedies PLUS you'll get video Bible studies that will walk you through the process of understanding God's promises for your life.
  2. I have partnered with Hope Chest Ministries ( and will be making several trips to Russia and Moldova to minister to graduates as well as young ladies who have been rescued from human trafficking. You will get to read about my travels as well as the wonderful things Hope Chest is doing, and how you can get involved.
  3. Along with finishing up the Crazy Talk series of books on diet, weight loss and the crazy things that happen in our minds, I'll be writing a daily devotional book for young ladies.
Whew! My daughter starts homeschooling htis year, so that is quite exciting around this house. She is 10 and entering the 5th grade! Life is rolling, God is providing: that means I'd better get to living! I cannot wait to share Bible studies and thoughts with each of you!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What is it about a new lipstick on a bad day? I have spent many hours on the Walgreen's and Target aisles just seeking out that "perfect" one to compliment an imperfect day. I admit, my makeup is usually applied AFTER I have decided which shade of lip rouge I am wearing and the outfit cannot clash the lips, and yes, I feel the same way about shoes :).

It makes me wonder why I feel this way though. I mean, it's basically painting the exterior right? For some girls it's lipstick, for others it can be anything:
  • Blush
  • Earrings
  • Necklaces
  • Rings
  • Manicures
  • Pedicures
  • Highlights
  • Lowlights
  • Curls
  • Straightener
  • Eyeliner
  • Mascara
This list could go on and on. My mom loved costume jewlery. It always struck me as odd. You see, she never liked to paint her nails because she didn't want people to notice her hands, she never wore bright lipstick because she felt it accentuated flaws, and in 17 years I never saw her change her makeup staples! However, the bigger the jewelery the better! We all prefer a different form of spackle right?

When I am feeling exhausted, a bright red lip can take the focus off my puffy eyes. Bad hair days seem to disapear in the wake of 6 inch stillettos. A bad mood will get it's marching orders at the blink of long, mascarad eyelashes. It seems these things can lift my mood...for a moment at least.

What happens at the end of trying days when the makeup is washed off and the shoes flung back into the closet? Where then do we find rest for our weary bones when our smile begins to fade off the landscape of our painted faces?

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

This comes to us Matthew 11:28. How often do you crash into bed, weary to the bone from the weight you bear? We are not meant to bear these burdens alone. In fact, our Father desires that we lay our burdens down at His feet and take up His yoke, which is light.

Jesus has paid the cost that we may not have to carry burdens such as these. Are you a perfectionist who feels like you must "do it all" only to feel overwhelmed and under-appreciated by the days end? Give that to God. Are you a business owner, feeling crushed by the weightiness of the economy? Take it to God. Are you a full time mom seeking a moments peace and feeling less than stellar because you need a break? Take that to God. Are you a young girl just trying to figure out who you are and what your place in this world is? Take it to God.

Our Father awaits but one thing from us: that we may be willing to give up what we never possessed in the first place so the He may offer us perfect rest.

Are you in need of rest today?

In Christ's love,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

She Speaks Conference, in review


The Proverbs 31 Ministries She Speaks Conference was held in Concord, NC July 21-23. I attended on the writer's track and was most pleased to get in since this was a short notice decision for me. Not only did I get to attend, but I also met with a publisher and literary agent. Did I mention this was my very first writer's conference?

Our family decided to make it a whole vacation by traveling from Texas by car. Our first stop was in Birmingham, AL to spend time with loved ones. Next we set off to Tennessee, Nashville by way of Chattanooga, to spend a few days with family. After that we were off to the races! OK, so that eludes to the fact that Concord is pretty famous for their race track..... Moving on. We stayed at the Great Wolf Lodge and plan on staying there again next year. Let's get to the meat of it shall we?

Upon my arrival at the conference I had extremely high hopes. I was dressed to the nines with red shoes and red lips to match, everything else was black and white. I was happy and intent on making loads of new friends. Now, it must be said that I get over excited about possibility of any kind AND I am a self professed morning person. Upon entering the facility, I felt anything but welcome. It seemed as though glares and stares were coming at me with great force. I though this was preposterous and I simply needed to press ahead. So, I found an unsuspecting victim for my friendly behaviour. Long story short, I was quickly shut down on any friend making attempts and left outside calling my husband for a ride back to the hotel. I skipped the conference and just made my meetings that day.

My question then simply became, "What is the DEAL?" Was I an awful person? Did I look untrustworthy or unfriendly? Did I smell funky? Hey, you never know... Have you ever had these feelings? Like you know you are where God intended you to be, but everybody there seems to think otherwise?

This can happen throughout our journey and we need to take into account that though we will come up against adversity, even from within the church, we must press on towards the goal. It is times like these that I open up the life of Paul and pour my heart out to God. He does not intend for us to suffer, but if we do so on His behalf we are blessed.

Rest assured I did attend the conference the next day and made my sessions. I'm so grateful I did as I was able to meet Tom Davis and attend one of his sessions for writers. Truth be told, that one session was worth the cost of the whole conference and I am forever grateful to have crossed paths with HopeChest. That single session laid out my life for Christ as it should have long ago.

I spend the remainder of my days living to a higher calling than I ever thought possible for me. What God puts into motion can become like a roaring avalanche if we are willing to let go and just come along for the ride. I commit to stop being the driver of my own life. After all, what good is a wild ride if you're the one driving?

Are you ready to change your world?


Sunday, July 29, 2012


Beauty Mark Ministries

At Beauty Mark Ministries it is our firm belief that every woman has been marked by the beauty of God Himself. Our number one goal here is to bring more women into a fulfilling relationship with Jesus Christ. Our second goal is to help women realize their purpose and potential that is specific to them.

We all have a story to tell. We all have hurts, scars, passion, joy, regret, confusion and questions.
Beauty Mark Ministries is a place to see beauty as God intended. We welcome all women of every race and age to reveal their true BEAUTY in God's glory.